Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Let's Carve Pumpkins!!

We went to our freinds home, Aaron and Lori Driggs, for a fun night of food and carving pumpkins. It was a good time had by all. Thanks Aaron and Lori!

Sam's friend Kayden came over riding his motorcycle. Sam quickly bummed a ride and was in hog heaven.

My little Sammy takin' it over the hills!

Sam looks cute carving his pumpkins....Trav looks like a dork.

Here is Kate and her friend Kylie looking cute carving their pumpkins.

The finished product pose. Those are some great Jack-O-Lanterns!


Jessica said...

Awesome pumpkins!!
I blogged about Kate and Sam on the motorbike too!! We need to get Kayden and Sam together more often! Kayden asks about him all the time - he just doesn't understand why he had to go to Victor to school!

Theresa Stonebraker said...

All I know is when we were doing our pumpkins I was asking "were is Uncle Travis!"! Notice I didn't show a blog about the end product w our pumpkins!! Looks good!!! What the heck Sam! He looks like a little stud riding that bike!!!